Its about time that I talk about my work place since I've been working there for nine weeks now. In my opinion, even though there's only one gay in the floor, its a very very gay floor. The pillars are painted purple, a very nice shade of purple and the cubicle is pink, light pink. Now tell me this isn't gay for you? Hehehe. Heck, I want my room to be painted with purple. Its the only floor in the entire building that is painted with this colour combination. Heheheh and how lucky of me to end up on such floor. Though one thing I don't like about this floor is that its very gloomy. If it weren't for the purple and pink, I think I won't really like the ambiance.
I really like my department cause it such a small department. Only a handful of us so everyone is pretty much close to each other. Except say for the boss. He locks himself in his office and who knows what he's doing in there with his GTalk. Hmmm. Oh well. So yea, everyday is a fun day with our co-workers. All the time, there'll be random food brought by all of us and put in each cubicle. We also have a corner where we put our stash of snack there for all to nibble. There's a lot of nibbling going on in my department. Murukus~~~ :P
Our co-workers are really fun and makes the learning experience so much fun. They're really nice and helps us in any way they can. I guess because the department is so small, there's virtually no office politics going on in my department. But for others, the stories I hear are soo funny. People fight over small little things and the scandals with clients. *shivers
As much as I love my job, the pay sucks... Its not even a freaking pay. Its a PETTY CASH. I have to apply for my petty cash from PETTY CASH VOUCER every month. Sigh. This sucks...
-Live Long & Prosper
Did you know that for every paid Basic Life Saving course that St. John's
Ambulance Malaysia (SJAM) charges for, they provide free CPR
(cardiopulmonary r...
1 week ago
at least u got a pay. me intern at local govment hospt work for free only, no different than any social worker
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