Pulling Invisible Strings

Quote Yer how nice to have a doctor for a BF unquote. Wise words from Alexander The Gay while The Doctor was consulting him work related injury claim. Milk them for all they are worth as they say but unfortunately, no good news on the claiming. No matter, I got something else just as good.

Apparently The Doctor has been making many calls about my hand/wrist injury. Starting with the medic. I gasped and almost had a fit when I heard he called the medic. He called me but I could not be reached so he asked for the medic instead. I was expecting a lecture from The Doctor and wounded the medic's ego so much that he will jump off the platform and never to be seen again. No such thing happened.

Instead, it was the Medical Officer and Houseman authoritative communication system, "do as I say or I'll spank you in front of the patients". The Doctor insists that the syndromes are consistent with CTS and I should be sent home. More work will aggravate the condition. Lo and behold, the medic said alright and I'm going home tomorrow by chopper!

Talk about a medical evacuation.

The medic till now still is not convinced it is CTS. Muscle strain or nerve problem were his prognosis from repetitive work. Does that not sound like CTS... Better still he still thinks it is possibly gout, no matter how remote the chances of me getting that.

I will go to the hospital tomorrow and meet an orthopedic for a clinical diagnosis on my poor right hand. I wonder if I need a wrist guard... Are wrist guard the "in" thing now?

You know you love me.
Queer Ranter


Kris said...

The doctor's a sweetheart! maybe you can pretend the wristguard is the latest fashion men's bracelet, then you can get the leather ones!

Legolas said...

Ooh... Free MC for one week. Just like my fractured toe.

Alex said...

The Doctor BF is so sweeeeeeeet~~~

William said...

That's very protective of him! Ask Cheryl, she has a wristguard. Hehe.

~YM~ said...

wth gout? that medic must hav grad from timbaktu or antartic.. lol!

MrBunnyBan said...

Wah! hand injury? Was it the hand you use to...

anyway, are you coming back soon?

Jaded Jeremy said...

Physiotheraphy likely can help. Just be prepared to work at it for months and even more months to completely heal.