Alright everyone, settle down. Now turn to page 332 of your lessons in life textbook. Here you can see that from paragraph 1 to paragraph 3 you can conclude that, ah this is bullocks. There's no such thing as a lessons in life textbook is there? You just gotta live through it and learn from it or alternatively listen to peoples advise and stories and learn from that.
So the title for today's chapter is "Skin Ulcer On The Scrotum Is Uncomfortable". Yes yes, you can stop grabbing your balls and return blood flow to the rest of your body. I have an ulcer on my scrotum. Yes its painful. No I have no idea where I got it from. No I have not been sleeping around. No I McDave doesn't have the same symptom. And no he hasn't been sleeping around either.
Naturally when weird thing happens to my body, I Google it. The wonders of technology. So there were various reasons as to how I got the ulcer. Some was saying that because of exposure to corrosive materials (like those get anywhere near my crotch), or too much pressure or something like that and lots of other stuff. It said all I need to get is antibiotic cream and it should heal.
There's another theory as to why these ulcers developed. I don't like this theory very much. In fact it terrified me for a moment. My bro-in-law says, not confirmed, it may be HERPES. WTF?! STD?! Yikes... So who's been sleeping around?! McDave? Hmmm... Well according to my bro-in-law, its not necessarily through sex cause when he was really young, he got Oral Herpes. Buggered if I know how he got it. It seems that the virus the one of the most common virus around after the common cold virus. Interesting gift for a four month old relationship huh. Heheh.
I'm gonna go to the doctor to get it checked out. I wonder if I have to drop my pants in front of the doctor. The doctor is a she too. Hehehe. I hope it ain't HERPES even though its not that serious. I think...
-Live Long & Prosper
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