A Bottle of Tequila Goes A Long Way

Party people, hey, its Friday night! Birthday parties in a club is the best thing ever! Better yet, have it in a queer club! Friday night is queer night in Frangipani! Happy birthday to JL and Adik!

I sure had a blast. Best night ever in my life and its all thanks for a bottle of cheap Tequila. It wasn't good tequila (so I hear) but it did the job. Got me all drunk after five or six shots. I'm not sure. Even though I could barely stand on my own and walk straight, I was grooving on the dance floor. Never felt so good dancing before!

Tequila, lime, shot glasses and salt. Yum!

Its not easy to get me started on the dance floor. I'm usually all about being proper (contrary to popular belief). But with those tequila circulating in my bloodstream, the proper part of me went and died and party animal me surfaced.

The DJ was really good last night. Never heard the tracks that they were playing but it was awesome! The rhythm and the beat were just perfect. Everyone was dancing, I was itching to dance and kept dragging the group to join in the fun.

I had the best dance with a crush, K. I've met him once before that and he's just so adorable. Very sociable but just so adorable. Great dancing partner. I really hope to meet him again. I kinda really like him. Just something about him that attracted me to him. Didn't get to talk much with him. Even though I was still able to have coherent conversations, I actually had no idea what to talk to him about!

Though, I didn't make such a good impression last night (I had other agenda in mind). I was flirting with V, a guy I knew and have planned to met with him in Frangi's. He comes by the dance floor every now and then and let's just say it all seemed very slutty of me. So I was hopping in between dancing with K and dancing with V. Not very nice, I know.

With Adik knocked out cold, people leaving and the club closing, we sat down for awhile to catch out breath. Chat for awhile and stuff then headed back home. I on the other hand didn't go back home. I was over at V's place.

It was a fun and wild night indeed.

You know you love me.
Queer Ranter


David The Man said...

Glad you enjoyed yourself at Frangi's. Never been there before, but my Penang friends who had been there before, gave bad comments about it, saying it was small and not interesting at all. I don't know what to expect from it, but whatever my friends said, I would love to go there and meet people. But my friends gave very good comments about La Queen, the most happening place in KL. I am so wanna go there too!!! Oh I want!!!

savante said...

What a skank, darlin! :P Tell me more!

Will said...

Glad you had fun, sweetie, and WELCOME HOME!!

Ganymede said...

David: Maybe that's before the renovation. Now its super chic and less smoky too. I love it!

Savante: Heheheh. You may ask Charming Calvin about them details.

Will: Hey you! Awww thanks! You're such a sweet heart.

the ugly submarine said...

Eii, so slutty! :P

chase / chubz said...

tequila.. awww.. those were the days.
body shots.. super awww..

Anonymous said...

tequila!!!! i f*cking love tequila!!!
not sure about cheap tequila though.
prolly gets you more drunk which explains the random kissing! :D lolx.
haha looks like somebody's addicted to clubbing! told you it was fun. ;) good la. now you can explore other clubs with me, k? ;D heheh

Ganymede said...

TheUglySubmarine: Where got? Innocent as an angel. :)

Chase: Those were the days my friend, we thought they never end. :P

LaFaghag: Yep yep. Addicted!

Jason said...

Oooo... told ya to go talk with K but you dowan pulak. But yes, he's adorable ^^

Ganymede said...

Jason: I did talk to him the best I could considering that I was drunk...