Embarrassing Moment

So I've been bloggging about my clubbing experiences here and here right? Since then, my head has been replaying scenes from those time. Yes, I'm truly missing it now. I can't even focus to study for my Saturday paper. Those were the best moments in my life.

There was however an unanswered question in my head and the scene kept replaying in my head like those documentaries in Discovery Channel of an airplane crash or like CSI. No, nothing scandalous but it was bugging the hell out of me. Everywhere I go, I kept thinking what happened. What went wrong...

I shall begin with the setting. We were in Market Place, I was dancing on the dance floor with one of the guys and of course I was drunk (duh...). So dancing, dancing, snogging, snogging then suddenly something happened. He fell onto the dance floor. All I remember was me giggling my head off and the crowd made a circle around him saying, "Woooooo~~~".

Well, I gave him a hand and pulled him up. Then we continued dancing and all.

So that scene kept playing in my head. It was bloody annoying. So I asked him what happened. Well the truth of what happened was shocking and embarrassing! I've never been this embarrassed in my life! I laugh my head off whenever I think about what happened.

This was what happened. Apparently, I was rather "excited" or something (I blame the alcohol), I thrusted him with my hips so hard that he lost balance and fell. Wakakakakka. I'm even laughing writing this out!

So so so embarrassing...

No more thrusting on the dance floor then. Thrust only when on stable positions and in the bedroom.

Arrrgh this is so "memalukan~~~" (embarrassing).

You know you love me.
Queer Ranter


Jason said...

OMg... you party animal you...

ikanbilis said...

good heavens. what your hips are the "ba-donk-a-donk-donk" style ah?

Anonymous said...

ooo..that will stay in ur head for eternity. lol

Ganymede said...

Jason: ... *smack :P

Ikanbilis: I don't know what I did! I had no control over my limbs~~~ :P

Leonardo: Thanks for the reminder dude. Hahahha. Its permanently etched in my brain~~~

Counting my Blessings said...

OMG, LMAO. you are the real "dancing queen". This is your funniest entry i've read so far.

Ganymede said...

CMB: Why thank you. I hope I made your day with this post. :P

And heed my advise, no thrusting. Kkekke.

David The Man said...

Don't worry, we are not thinking otherwise! Dance, baby, dance!

Ganymede said...

David: Heheheh. Dance I shall.