The One Eyebrow Guy

On the way back from dinner yesterday, we (La Faghag, Slender Faghag and me) had one of the most hilarious conversation in the car ever, for me at least! We met a junior that La Faghag thinks (and still thinks after all the mockeries) he's quite good looking.

In fact, I've blogged about this junior before. Dunlop Guy (as in the tyre brand) we called him.

The conversation went like this:

La Faghag: Yea I think he's Dunlop guy. I remembered the girlfriend.
Slender Faghag: Who's Dunlop guy?
LF: He's one of the juniors that is good looking.
SF: He's GOOD LOOKING (eyes popping out)!?
LF: Yea...
Me: Heheheh. He's Sesame Street.
SF: Weekekekke.
LF: *grrr

I'm so mean I know.

Ernie and Bert.

And yes, Dunlop Guy really looks like Bert. Poor soul. Get a freaking tweezer! Makes me wanna stick duct tape onto his eyebrow and pull it.

Straight men...

On a completely different note.

With regards to my post on Animal Abuse Alert, Sam decided to do something about it. He emailed RSPCA and they responded to him. Check his post for the update.

Another completely different note.

I am being featured in a popular food blog, A Whiff of Lemongrass! Few months back, I reviewed Cupcake Chic and the flogger linked me! I feel so popular! My blog is finally being acknowledged.

You know you love me.
Queer Ranter


Anonymous said...

The poor guy has a unibrow. Let him be. :)

Sam said...

I think unibrow's are fixable if you tweeze it enough.

On a side note - Cupcake Chic still seems to have its lure. :P I always drop by for a snack or two when I'm at the Curve. :D

Jason said...

Yeah, QR seem to be very excited when Lyrical Lemongrass linked him. The first in queue summore. :p

Janvier said...

We're sure that's all you can only stare at. One rather long hairy worm on the forehead.


Anonymous said...

i think between the one eyebrow guy and his average looking gf, the gal looks better :)

redgalaxoid said...

He, don't make fun of the could end up having a son just like him !!!

Ganymede said...

King Bitch: Its fixable if he took the effort to.

Sam: Tweeze it dem it!

Jason: Hehhe. Yep yep. Happy me. :)

Janvier: I can't stand it. Reminds me of the scene from Dodge Ball, "Why are you staring at me?". Wekekekek.

Ohkulala: Wakakakak. Meanie. :P

Redgalaxoid: Highly unlikely. I barely have hair to begin with. That is assuming I will have a son.

If my son has it, I'll teach him to tweeze or wax. Simple.

William said...

Unibrow? Reminds me of the old HK Vampire flick of the same name.

Glog said...

Ernie and Bert...
My fav since I was young...
I actually kept asking myself why they stayed together even while I was very young...

Talking bout a unibrow...
Mine is unibrowed but after tweazing it several months...
Its not as unified...

Ganymede said...

William: That's the vampire's name?!

GLog: Hahah. I like them too. So adorable.

Good for you! Living proof of tweezed eyebrows. I need to shape mine...

Little Prince said...

too free.
... i'm calling/telling the principle!

Little Prince said...

omfg. i tot i post this on bibiks!?

Ganymede said...

Daniel: Heheheh. Had me going confused there. :P

Bibik is just nuts. I nearly went blind reading that bloody post... :P