Was thinking of all the things I say at the spur of the moment. Its amusing thinking back those things. Pity I can't remember all of them. So I shall start penning them down for future amusement.
Scene I.
Drizzly Weather
Me: Oh look its raining-ish. No I don't feel like going to class.
Slender Faghag: Well I'm going. Don't you have an umbrella?
M: Yea...
SF: Then use it.
M: I'll use it to go back to my room la.
Scene II
Lecture class going on
Me: OMG, look!
Roomie: What?
M: Cum production: 392 000 stock tank barrel.
R: *gasp!
M: That's some facility...
Scene III
Class just ended
Me: Oh my look. There's a hairless patch on the base of his head.
Roomie: That's interesting.
M: Matrix.
Scene IV
Lunch in cafeteria eyeing on cuties
La Faghag: Oh my there's one there.
Me: Where?
LF: The guy in yellow Dunlop shirt.
Me: Oh ok. Why don't you go to him and say, "Hi Dunlop. I'm Michelin.".
LF: *grrr
-Live Long & Prosper
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1 week ago
You ah... *giggles*
i thought just kids say the darnest thing..
Oh my. That's a LOT of cum. Hmmm
I'm sorry, what were you saying?
the first conversation is a common excuse of SKIPPING A CLASS whahaaha! I used that before uhmnn
wahaha... i lurve the last one...
at least ur darnest things aren't deadly sarcasm... and deadly sarcasm does kill. LOL
Jason: Glad I made your day.
Chase: Hahahah. I'm a kid at heart. :P
Cleo: Hehehe. Loads of cum!
Famezgay: Hahahah. Naughty naughty.
Bong: Yea I know. That was one of my finest moments. :P
So random, and yet so funny! :-P
392,000 barrels. You and your roomie been busy hor?
Aryaduta: Hahahah. Glad you liked it. :)
Drownedglass: Wah lau. You think we're a manufacturing plant?
The King of Random.
William: Hahahha. Not quite. :P
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