I didn't think I can stay up so long after a long day of pressie shopping. Just look at the time. The sun is about to rise and I'm blogging while my roommie is sleeping soundly.
Rum Jungle is like the best thing that has happened to Ipoh! Pity there wasnt much of a crowd though... Sad turnout. There were only two eye candies that I spotted though both were taken. Oh well. Nice to see but I've got my own candy already. Wish McDave was with me there dancing.
Music was pretty nice and the live band was something. Except they played some Canto songs, YMCA and I Will Survive... That was rather weird... I felt like the Dancing Queen. Hehehhe.
Since alcohol is so freaking expensive in this freaking country, we ordered Kampai! I love Kampai but I wish the alcohol content is more in them...
And lesson learned, dancing with girls is WEIRD! I think I shall ban myself from going to straight clubs.
Viva la gay clubs!
-Live Long & Prosper
And what's wrong with dancing with girls?
Yeah, what's wrong with kampai/dancing with girls? Those are two of my favorite things!
there is absolutely nothing wrong dancing with girls ok!
now GRIND.
Janvier: Me no likey...
Inaesb: Do you know how much alcohol is?! That kampai is like RM16! Overcharge!
C: Bah... Me no like dancing girls...
Adrien: I'll grind you instead. Hehheeh.
Me scare of dancing with girls. Scare of touched their boobs accidentally :P
Jason: Well my elbow is always bumping on La Faghag's boobs anyways. That's now what I'm scared of. I don't like touchy touchy dancing with them. :P
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