I had a rough idea of what my timetable is like for this semester. All 8.00 AM class except Thursday which is a 9.00 AM class. Arrrrg. Why soo freaking early one!? So now that I have to wake up early everyday, I shouldn't have a problem waking up early for my intership next semester then. I hope. :P
I was a good boy today by attending all the classes today. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Both classes, the lecturer FFKed (Fong Fei Kei) me... Sigh. So I got up from my sleep in the morning and my afternoon nap for nothing... Grrrrr....
Double A is having a promotion thinggie in my campus specifically in my village's cafe. They sell all sorts of paper product and with each purchase, we are entitle to spin our luck and see what we get. Hehehe. I got something from them today. Something interesting. Imagine a tuna can. Now imagine paper. Put them both together and you'll get paper in tuna can. It contains 250 sheets of round colourful paper. Cost RM5.70. Rather pricy for paper but hell it sure is interesting. I wonder what I can do with it...
I do hope I get my internet connection by this week or latest next week. So if I don't update, don't worry, I'm not dead. (I'm assuming there are people that cares about me. :P)
-Live Long & Prosper
Did you know that for every paid Basic Life Saving course that St. John's
Ambulance Malaysia (SJAM) charges for, they provide free CPR
(cardiopulmonary r...
1 week ago
potatoes galore. paper in a can. what will they think of next? stories on toilet paper? wait, i think some german company has already done that.
tat is the thing baby told me inside the tin... i wonder what is it... buy so many rubbish o...
paper in a can? you should post a picture of it!! what will they put in cans next? Food? Drinks? CDs?
...paper, in a can? Erm. Okay.
Hmmm, me is feeling waves of mushiness eminating from Apollo. Hee.
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