Soo sad!~~~ I'm leaving for campus tomorrow morning. I don't wanna go but I have to. Why why~~~ I don't wanna leave civilization behind and my baby behind of course. Sigh... Oh well. I guess on the brighter note is that I get to see Alex and Xavier, though I'm sure they're working their arses to study for their exams... Poor them... Then after that, I'm sure they'll be off for holidays leaving me behind. Waaaa. Hehehhe. Soo drama.
Anyhow, I spent most of my daytime playing DOTA. Finally met Chris online but couldn't play a game with him. Deng it. The games has been really sucky these days. Arrrrg. No good games at all... I'm soo pissed with that. A game is a game. Can't complain much about it. Bad days and good days.
I did pack some stuff after my games. Nothing much to pack since I didn't unpack much when I got home for the holidays. So easy job for me. Just pack cloths and my computer along with other stuff I need in campus. I also unloaded rubbish so that I don't have to carry soo many things up and down to my room.
My mom got an sms from Padini today. It was about a clearance sales in their concept store at Ampang Point. Mom asked me if I wanted to go. Like hell I'm going to miss this clearance sales. Hehhee. So I just tagged along and went shirt hunting. I got meself three t-shirts. One plain black shirt, everyone must have a plain black shirt. Another a super gay super fag shirt, pink in colour with the words printed in the front "FABULOUS". I love it but I'm not sure when I'm going to wear it. The last is a red, long sleeves t-shirt. Oh and a belt. This all cost a grand total of RM 75.00. I love sales~~~ So yes, I'm happy.
-Live Long & Prosper
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1 week ago
Rm75 bucks for three shirts? Not bad. Super faggy pink shirt though. >.<
Awww I never have a bravery to wear such things, hehe.
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