Today is a sad day for me. Someone dearest to me, someone I've known for six years someone called TI passed on. It was a shocker to me as he was fine few days back. More than fine, he was up and running and brought joy to all who knew him. It was a great loss and I am sorry that I could not be by his side when he passed on as his death was so sudden and unexpected. I didn't know this would happen to him but that is life. We will expire someday. Some sooner, some later but no one escapes it.
There was something about TI when I first met him. He had such allure to him that just captivated me and it made me want to know him more. I got to know him. We clicked immediately the first we met. He wasn't much of a talker but he has his ways to entertain me when I'm down or just for the sake of entertaining me and he does it soo well too. Never fails but always a perfect act. I think many who knew him knows that he was one of the best of his time. He is soo good that he lasted till now where everything changes in a split second but yet he rode the tide of time till now. He hanged on to everything that he had but in the end, time did cought on to him and there his life ended.
Such a sad sad day. Let us all give a moment of silence to TI for he has passed on. Ah how I'll miss him till the day I too will return to the maker.
Here's a picture of him for us all to remember him by. Goodbye my friend. You've been such a great friend and you'll be missed. This is TI4200SE 128MB. Even though it wasn't top-end of graphics card but it was definately one of the best.
-Live Long & Prosper
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1 week ago
what the...
I mean, of course I was fooled. Ha, I knew it was a trick the whole time!
(you will suffer...)
And I thought I was a drama queen!
Ya ampun....
I almost say "deepest condelences for you defiant" and blah blah blah, and then I realized it was about your graphic card~~
Agree wif jay: And I thought I was a drama queen...kekekeke
and i tot who died!
Heheh. Thanks all for your condolences even though technically only one... :P
This graphic card is a good one for its time ok.
*sob sob
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