I'd like to show you guys what I found in the toilet recently. Graffiti. Heheheh. I think its hilarious.
It says, "Think for a moment. Malaysia has been independent for 50 years and you're still squatting and shitting. Think about it."
Happy Belated Bday Msia!
-Live Long & Prosper
Oh, somebody uses the squat toilets. But honestly, if you look at male public toilet seats ar, you dare to use or not? So of course kita ni masih mencangkung punya.
We don't use public toilets where possible.
Not shocked at mencangkung. If we weren't meant to do so, God wouldn't have made us squat.
Yucks! You found it in the toilet?! So dirty! Uekkk!!
aiyoh shitting business is serious ok.. no time think soo much liao lor
so... ahem... ur squatting or sitting? or standing ah? kakaka...
Janvier: Well the other toilet is occupied by the washing machine. :P
Savante: God is involve in the way of us SHITTING?! That's shit...
Ryan: I ain't the one writting it.
Famez: Hhhahah. Undergrads of today eh?
Koala: Only got one option laid out for me.
you snapped a pic inside a loo?? Why so boh liau one...ha ha ha!!!
You're really free la. Can't imagine it if your cam dropped in it. Bwahahahhaa~~~~
Judging from the contents of the message, you must ahve been using the squat toilet. Which means you're a squater. I hear it's great exersice - yuou should try squating on McDave. :P
And we take the pic of u squating on McDave.Kekekek
MrBAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what you suggesting this notti Lion to do????!!! i know la... Sam did that on you... jangan la ajar budak I buat tu juga... nanti i yg susah... :p
Chester: I take your photo when u do with others...
Cangkung le best!
Hahaha... what a joke! But hey wait a minute! The common negative connotation about a public toilet is that it is usually dirty. Well, with toilet bowls (I mean the sitting type one), I wouldn't want to use it! Don't know what germs or bacteria or viruses are thriving on it! I would rather "mencangkung" over it than "duduk" on it! Just the thought of my butt touching the dirty toilet bowl seat is so, so disgusting. Well, that says it all!
I think you can write my comments in the toilet to reply to whoever wrote that comment!
David: I just avoid going to public toilet for big business fullstop. Hehehehe. I really don't like the idea of doing it in the public toilet.
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