I have a lot of moles on my skin throughout my body. There's quite a number of them that I can even identify some of the constellations with them. Not like I'm complaining about them. So long as they're not harmful to me.
I particularly like two constellations of moles. One is the Orion's Belt and the other is the Southern Cross. Both are in plain sight, Orion's Belt on my forehead and the Southern Cross on my right arm. I've always like the Orion constallations. Its the only one I can recognise in the night sky all year round.
But today, Orion's Belt is being invaded by three, identical stars arrangement as Orion's Belt. I call it the Three Sisters though I have no idea why but its mere existance horrified me.
My number one enemy since puberty, the PIMPLES!
Just look at it. Three in a row. Sigh. Its taking advantage of my current stress level.
Time to take out arsenals of facial products to get rid of the ASAP! Oh my beautiful face is ruined. Darn you pimples...
Did you know that for every paid Basic Life Saving course that St. John's
Ambulance Malaysia (SJAM) charges for, they provide free CPR
(cardiopulmonary r...
1 week ago
huh ur pimples and moles seems to forms like a horoscope star signs ahahha
Oh you poor thing. So I guess the whole "Good things come in threes" doesn't really apply here eh? :P
By the way, speaking of stress. I need a damn facial. I'm starting to think those blackheads on my nose make out polka dots.
Try apply tea tree gel on the pimples. It works for me long time ago. It will make the pimples dried up fast and the next day, it will peel off by itself. It's that fast! Just sleep and wake up with clean face. Hahaha!!!
And do not use toner on your skin because toner is not meant for guy's face. If you sleep late, having stress and didn't drink enough water, you will have breakouts.
Every time I think you're going to snap out of your queerness, you go and disappoint me by making posts like this. *shakes head*
Famez: I know. Hahhha. Starmap. :P
Cleo: Yea. Bad things come in threes too. Huhuhhu.
Calvin: Yep. Shall apply it. If only I remember where it is...
C: Attention seeking syndrome perhaps? :P
If u have pimples on your forehead, it means that you have been stressed out. Different breakouts in our face will tell u about the conditions of our body...if you have around your mouth, it means u have bad indigestion or related to the food u consume.
Coolgardy: Yep. Stress alrigh. :(
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