
Something hilarious just happened just now while I was chatting with Silas (I always misspelled it and I don't know why...). So chat chat chat away and it is evident that I am going senile. Either that or I'm desperately clinging onto 2007.

It happened when he asked how old I was and I blatantly said 22 this year. Then I started counting and to my horror, I'm not 22! I'm farking 23 this year! Eeeeeks.

Sigh. Must have been all that plucking strands of white hair from my head. It seems to be infested with white hair these days... I plucked 10 strands of fine white hairs the other day. All fine new hair.

Maybe I should go find Cherry and dye "ang ang" colours. Hehehhe.

-Live Long & Prosper


adrien said...

omg and i'm turning 21! exhilarating! :p

p/s: pluck one out, and two pops out. or so they say. lol

Janvier said...

Yeah - dye it a cherry colour!

Ganymede said...

Adrien: Bull crap myth la.

Oooo 21 and tender. Yummy. :P

Janvier: You're nuts you know that... :P

But I'm sure he'll love it when I suggest it.

*giggle giggle

Ryan said...

Still very young! Enjoy your youthful life!! :D I know I am! :D

Medie007 said...

my my.. u're THAT old? wakakakakaka

MrBunnyBan said...

22 oledi! Hehehe...I should do that... say I'm younger than I really am then claim I forgot if someone says otherwise. :p

Is there such a thing as ang ang colors?

Mr RM said...

Red should be FUN... try it.... ha ha he hee

Ganymede said...

Kyle: *gasp!


Ryan: Heheheh. That I shall.

Bong: OMG! You ah...

Ban: Smart la you ni. Ang ang red lo...

Rainbow: Hhaaah. Perhaps. But won't it look beng beng?

Jason said...

Ooo.. help me to pluck mine.
Ang ang... reminds me of Doraemon's opening song. That should be blue. :P

William said...

Asalkan bulu pubis belum beruban.

Ganymede said...

Jason: Hhahaha. 10 cents for each strand. I'll be a millionaire when I'm done with you. Muahahahah.

Blue?! Kinda like Aeon Flux?

William: *gasp!

That's so Samantha Jones! I shall dye it red too. No one wants to suck a grandfather's cock. :P