I remember the first gay blog that I read was Derek's and from there I blog hopped around. Believe me, in my bookmarks, there are about 20 odd gay blog links. I think I started reading blogs almost three quater through my semester when I'm all tied up with lab reports, revisions, assignments and projects but I couldn't stop myself from reading blogs. Though my addiction to my own blog was because of a certain two gay bloggers... Linking my old and dead blog to their blog... I'm not complaining though. :P
There's just something about reading blogs. Reading random entries about random things. Sometimes its sad, sometimes its happy. Some makes your brain think until it hurts, some just tickle your funny bones till milk comes out of your nose. I love reading random thoughts from other people or in other words, "38"ing at other people's life.
Its also a great way to get to know more friends and these people sure are a wacky bunch. Some of them resembles what they write in their blog but some are a little different. No matter, its always good to have people of the same interest/background to hang out with.
Mc Dave is only starting to realise why I enjoy blogging so much. He too is a blog addict now, checking my entries and cbox entries to see what's going on in my blog. Soon he's going to start hopping to other blogs starting from Alex's. Something fishy is going on every since after he and Alex chatted while I was having my afternoon nap... Hheehe. Though I would very much like it if he could meet the bloggers that I have met. I'm sure he'll have a fun time knowing them as I did. In fact, he's having fun chatting in MY CBOX. Heheheh. Oh well. No matter. Its all good. Miss you much dear.
-Live Long & Prosper
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1 week ago
Yeah... I'm also addicted.... is there a support group "Bloggers Anonymous"?
Hehehe, it really is dat blog can make you addicted ya. I've spent my time so much on blogging though. It also interesting to read someone's thoughts even though you don't know him/her personally. Hawhhh, what a blogspot addict.
Heeee. Blogger's Anonymous? Sign me up.
hahaha Me too..
I'm soo dead now.. spend lots of time on blog.. gosh i better go back study now uhmnnn..
Aah, what an honour to know that I'm the first blog you read.
I know, I know, me damn perasan ;P
I'm a recovering blogging addict. :-)
Suffering from an addiction. This website has a lot of great resources and treatment centers. http://www.treatmentcenters.org
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