My dad recently pointed out the change in my eating habits. I didn't realised it myself but its true. I've been eating at regular intervals of two/three hours with small amount of food. Its weird cause I never eat like this but I feel very hungry two/three hours after my meals. Not that I don't want to eat much but I couldn't eat much on one sitting. So I eat small portions, very small compared to what I used to eat. I have an eating habit of a diabetic. They eat small portions of food more frequently to sustain sugar in their bloodstream at a consistent level compared to having heavy breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper. Sugar high is not a good feeling to have after your meal. Its almost like you're drunk and you're just crapping crap with the feeling of lightheadedness.
Come to think of it, throughout my entire life, I have had two major changes in my eating habits. When I was young, I used to be a very skinny kid and a very picky eater. I wouldn't eat many things but that all changed when I lived with my aunt. She would force me to finish up my food and tell me to eat what's on the table. I guess from then on, I started to put on weight. I was fat when I was in my primary school years but thank goodness for puberty. My puberty started when I was 11 years old. Heheheh, early bloomer. So I started to grow upwards. Maybe this was how I develope the love for good and tasty food.
My next major eating habit change was when I came to uni. I don't know what prompt me to do it but I reduced the intake of carbohydrate, mainly rice. Perhaps, I was more conscious of myself image, perhaps its the fact that my dad is a diabetic and the chances of me getting it is high or it could be both. Reducing the amount of carbohydrate taken in every meal works wonders. It made me lose about 10 kg within a semester in my uni.
And the last major change is the diabetic eating habits. I find myself hungry almost everytime in the day and I will go hunt for food in the kitchen. The usuals are bread with ham,egg and HL Banana Flavour Milk, leftovers from lunch or dinner, or just biscuits. Gosh, I hope I don't put on weight. I'm soo obsess with myself these days...
-Live Long & Prosper
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1 week ago
i have changes of eating habit so often, i just think of them as a whole. i obssess over a single type of food for about a week, then i lose interest. and some days i eat a lot, and some days i forget entirely.
I was practically feeding off broccolis early this year.
Now I am a total carnivore. NO MEAT WON'T DO. Erm, that applies in bed too. Hehe
huh dun worry lar.. eat small portions for every 2 to 3 hours won't get u FAT.. It is a good eating habit actually.. Just avoid carbohydrates n FATZ!
Watch that waistline!!!!
Everyone change dude. Even I used to be picky in food, but now I eat most of the edible things. Well, sometimes it's a change for good. Finish up the food is definately good, save the food...haha the poors dun have food to eat u know :P
Lately I've been eating greens like a bunny! Its all part of changing... As long as you're happy, its ok!
Cooee. Kinda worrying that you're picking up the eating habits of a diabetic though.
How come I can't put on any weight? >.>
I think I may need to follow your eating habit to gain more weight actually. But I can't with all those time spent on playing and sleeping. :P
Idiot - Hhahah. I tend to obsess a food forever.
Joshua - Naughty naughty. :P
Ceusm - Yep yep. That means no char siew and siew yok ah? No~~~~
Alex - I knew you would say that... Meanie!~~~
Prince - Yea. Save the world~~~
AJ - Yea. Happy with the current eating habit. Just a little unusual for me.
Bunny - Hmmm. I've not seen much bunnies putting on weight.
Harvey - Gaining weight is different from getting fat leh. Perhaps you wanna put on more flesh than fat?
Breakdown your meals into small portions is da proper way. Many top elites practise this in order to keep the sugar level consistent so their training cycle will not be disturbed.
Problem is with us normal people, it is too tedious to munch every 2 hrs or so. If you can, stick to your current regime.
i am muching all the time in the room, ask alex,but i much on grains woh
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