Woke up abruptly this morning with Mc Dave asking me what's wrong. I was having a fever and a bad one too. He was worried and asked if he should notified my mom. I just nodded yes. My mom came into the room and touched my forehead. Her palm was soo cold compared to the rest of my body which were burning hot... I could barely speak cause my throat was hurting badly. Mom asked me to change and we went to Gleneagles Hospital to see the doctor there.
The journey there was a dizzy one and my eyes were very sensitive to light. I could hardly open my eyes to see where I was going. Didn't take us long to get there since the hospital was nearby and the meeting with the doctor was a brief one too. She just asked what was wrong, checked my throat and checked my lungs. She said my throat was really sore and red but nothing to worry about. She just wrote a prescription of antibiotic, Strepsils, Panadol and Difflam Solution. (Its green in colour. How scary is that...) All this medication cost a total of RM75.00 not including RM 17.00 for consultation... Dem expensive...
When I got back, Mc Dave was really worried and wondered what the doctor said. I told him not to worry since it was a throat infection, nothing terminal. I tried my best to sooth him but I could see it in his eyes that he was worried sick. I went straight into my room and laid down on my bed. My parents went out to get some groceries to cook porridge. Mc Dave was sitting at the side of my bed holding my hands. He helped me to get water, tucked me in bed, talked to me, kept feeling my body temperature and made me promise him that I will rest and drink lots of fluid... He was really worried and stayed by me while waiting for my parents to come back to send him to LRT station. What a way to have our last day together huh. Me sick and him worried sick.
When my parents came back, he had to go and I fell asleep straight. It was sad that he had to go. I won't be able to wake up in the mornings to his morning kiss and fell the warmth of his body by my side. My bed is now a lonely place to sleep in and in my room, there's only me. I'm missing my Mc Dave already. Sigh. All good things must come to an end. I just wish we can spend more time together in the future but its doesn't look like it since I'm going back to campus soon next month. I'll miss him even more then.
-Live Long & Prosper
Did you know that for every paid Basic Life Saving course that St. John's
Ambulance Malaysia (SJAM) charges for, they provide free CPR
(cardiopulmonary r...
1 week ago
oh dear. take care. we need you alive to have more saucy stories to write about.
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Ooops.. not suitable for ur case but still all good things do come to an end..
Huh U LOADED... Go Gleneagles for consultation.. huh... Anyway take care fren....
aiyo fren, dun wallop so much heaty food deh. take care ooo...
oh dear hope you're alright! Get well soon!
Dun think is heaty food eh? It must be something else :P You know what is it. But get well soon ya. I'm seeing you in a week time. Take care.
Dun worry, power of love will cure you.
Salt and protein deficiency. :p Glad you're okay now.
See? Told you not to suck his "didi" so much and so many times some more. This is what you get lah! Kekeke...
Idiot - Heheheh. I will. I'm sure there's more to come in the far far future though. :(
Ceusm - Hahha. Thanks. The medication there works. I'm better now.
Cibetronic - I was craving for soo many things ma.
Jushie - Thanks man. I'm all good now.
Prince - Hehhehe. Mc Dave is also heaty leh. Eat too much of him ho? :)
Bunny - Well better replenish them soon eh? :P
Calvin - How can I not suck it soo many times? Its always there, looking at me. Hehehhe.
Take care & get well soon dude!
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