Thanks everyone for your good wishes and concerns regaring my health. I'm as fit as a fiddle now. The medications sure does its wonders fast and lots of sleep helped too. I slept practically the whole evening yesterday and woke up at about 8.00 PM. By that time, I felt much much better. The fever went down and my throat was normal again. I could eat solid stuff. I had bread and beef ham. The beef ham was oh soo scrumptious but 100g cost RM7.90. It was on offer too... The price we pay for imported non halal stuff.
Today is Father's Day and as usual, nothing much happened in this household. No big feast, no dinner outing or any of the sort. Like I said, not many celebrations happen goes on in this household. Mc Dave, being a sweetheart that he is, sent me an sms with messages to my parents. One, wishing my dad happy fathers day and the other, thanked both my parents for giving him a great time staying over. So I passed the messaged to my parents and I saw their face lit up light a bulb. Dad even said to ask him to buy dinner to celebrate. He's definitely in the family now. Good news for me cause now I can get him to stay over without much questioning.
I tried reloading my Jaring account today since it left only about RM1.00. Hheeheh. Extensive usage due to blogging, chatting and DOTAing. I hate using dialup. Its soo freaking expensive but I can't get broadband since I'm only home for less then four months in a year and no one at home uses the internet to warrant a broadband connection... Sigh. This sucks. I tried using my dad's credit card but it didn't work because the company to stop any internet transactions until its security issues are resolved... It has been a year since they disabled it and still I can't use it now. I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to get E-Coupon from a post office near my place. That means I can't DOTA or chat tonight... So sad. I'm crashing at my friend's place tonight for entertainment.
Maxis continues to make money from Mc Dave and me now that we're apart. Been smsing him since this morning again. Maxis should use us as new advertising material or something. Heheh. He's also reading my blog too from his Nokia 3100 since he's got no computer or internet access at his place. It's his other way to get to know me better and check on me. I hope he leaves comments and also messages in my chatbox. Please do dear, I know many readers want to get to know you.
I miss my dear soo much and he misses me too. He's been flicking through the pics he took of me and us in his phone while I kept on remembering of the time when he was here. I miss the scent of Oceanus that he uses and I miss stoking his super straight hair with my fingers. I miss his tender lips kissing me and I miss the feeling of hugging him. Oh I miss you soo much dear. If only we can be together longer.
-Live Long & Prosper
Did you know that for every paid Basic Life Saving course that St. John's
Ambulance Malaysia (SJAM) charges for, they provide free CPR
(cardiopulmonary r...
1 week ago
gasp. no internet. the thought makes me nauseous.
Haha, I also dun have internet access at home ler...So if i need to go online, Uni's my only solution. :P
Glad tat ur parents' accepting him in, but then how will it goes after they know about u2 remains a mystery :P
Well, they don't need to know anything more, do they? Not for a long time.
Be wary. After you've past a certain magical age (I think it's 25), quite likely they'll suddenly want you to be attached and on your way to marraige. And then they may start questioning why you're only meeting this one particular guy instead of girls.
romantic betul lah...
Eh, saw the new skin... cool!!
woa.. surfing use mobile phone sucks uhmnn.. expensive n slow (except u usin 3G)
Idiot - Yea tell me about it...
Prince - Hahhaah. We'll see how things will go la. Don't jinx it now. :P
Bunny - Ooo. That is 4 years from now leh. Still young. :)
Joshua - Its a fairy tale. Hoping for the best of it.
Kyle - Thanks. Love it lots.
Ceusm - What to do? My baby can only access the net through his phone for now.
Sigh.... the love chemicals....
So lovey-dovey you two :P cutelah....
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