Strange things I see while walking to class these days. At first, I didn't think much of it but it just gotten a little odd after the second encounter. Times like these are what makes my K800i handy.
Imagine you're walking and listening to your music. You're just walking back to your room. Then bang... Something huge just stepped on you and you died. Doubt there'll be an open coffin funeral for yea.
I bet that was how the lizzard right before it got squished...
Poor little feller...
But the next encounter I had was very sad. I saw a kitten lying on the floor but it wasn't breathing. Poor kitten, probably only a few weeks old and to die by the side walk. Life is cruel it seems but I guess a larger picture is, the survival of the fittest is more important in nature.
Then there was this broken figurine of a sort that was laying on the ground of pebbles. Poor little thing.
-Live Long & Prosper
Did you know that for every paid Basic Life Saving course that St. John's
Ambulance Malaysia (SJAM) charges for, they provide free CPR
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1 week ago