Sigh. Had to go to work today... I think its stupid. Smack in the middle of a potentially long and lazy weekend off till Wed and what do they do? Ruin it and force us intern to go to work. *sob sob Luckily my colleagues came to work too so that wasn't so bad. Misery loves company.
I just realized that every Monday is a Pink Monday for me. I'll wear my favorite pink stripe shirt to fend off the Blue Monday syndrome. Seems to be working. Hehehe. I need to get more pink cloths. I reckon if there's a mascot for pink, I'll be it. Hahhaha. I know self praise is no praise right? Or as we all call it, "Perasan".
Oh well, back to playing online mahjong, which does not involve me stripping in anyway.
-Live Long & Prosper
PasarPride: Egg Edward
What do you think of Edward's eggs? Would you try a couple for breakfast?
This celebrity was spotted at the iconic Pasar Pudu where the award-winning
2 weeks ago