No I'm no math wiz or math genius or anything. I'm no where close to that really. But I remember talking about the probability of only having two fags in a company of 800+ employee. Something was telling me it doesn't add up. I tried fag hunting but couldn't find any that pinged my sonar. Alas I gave up.
Until yesterday, my sonar pinged and boy did it ping like having Queens singing, "I see a little silhouette of a man scaramouche scaramouche will you do the fandango..." right next to me. Heheh I love this piece by Queens.
Anyways, I had to go to the IT Department cause something was really fucked up with the system. So I went downstairs to see if anyone can reset the server and get the system running again. It took awhile so I sat down looking at this guy's monitor from some distance. Then I saw his Google search. I couldn't see what he googled but I saw the first result and I trust Google's results like how I trust my blood test results for STDs. Its pretty darn accurate. It shocked me. It said, "Sunday Gay Walk" or something along that line.
Obviously the first person I bitched about this was FLS, la faghag. She didn't really believe that he could be gay but we agreed on borderline fag for this guy. Heheh. With him on board, it'll be three fags in an 800++ employee company. Hmmm.
-Live Long & Prosper
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1 week ago
IT guys are usually cute, like moi. Hehe.
Ooh. Can I assume the other fag is my bf?
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