
I've been known to have weird cravings every now and then. One of the most out of place cravings I had in the past was the craving for 'satay celup' and 'chicken balls rice' or was it 'chicken rice balls'? Heheheh. Nothing like a good day trip just to eat like a glutton.

Right now, there's only one thing in mind that I crave for. No it has nothing to do with me stripping in front of an audience. Though private audience, I may consider. Heheheh. Skanks the lot of you. The craving is...

Bunch of cam-whoring stuffed toys...

Yes, mahjong. I'm hooked... All thanks to Jase, Takashi, William, Derek and Kai Ting... All forced me to have a late night game at Jase's and Kai Ting's place... Though we only played threesome mahjong. A little too short for my liking but I like mahjong in any form it is played. All I can think about is mahjong.

I miss the sound it makes when the tiles hit each other.

I miss the feel of the tiles.

I miss the excitement of playing mahjong.

La faghag was teasing me for being so 'auntie' craving for a game of mahjong. Heheh. Well I'll be la fabulous queer mahjong player then.

We must set a date to play a foursome mahjong~~~ Come people before my mahjong set starts to decay beyond recognition.

-Live Long & Prosper


Kihu said...

come come.. i like to play mahjong too ahah!

R said...

come! mahjong mahjong!