Woke up to a sms early in the morning and aches all over my body. My joints felt like rusted gear trying to move without any grease. I felt like an old fart. Fabulous old fart that is.
La Faghag implicated that the body aches maybe due to too much rampant sex throughout the weekend... Seriously, why are all my friends so skanky?! Or maybe its just La Faghag.
Good news is my fever subsided. Guess I don't have to go see the doctor here then. Even my throat feels fine too.
Yey. Miraculous recovery. Must have been my stuffed toys. Hahhaha. A little TLC goes a long way.
I'm not the only one who's sick. McDave's sick too. Last night he said he had a hint of fever and sore throat as well. Poor baby. I hope he's better today.
Did you know that for every paid Basic Life Saving course that St. John's
Ambulance Malaysia (SJAM) charges for, they provide free CPR
(cardiopulmonary r...
1 week ago
Eeks, be everyone falling sick1?
We *hopes* our achey body be due to too much wine last night - we so don't wanna die in today's cardio classes.
oh my, you're sick too? something bad must be in the air... lol. yeah i'm having a fever now too, started since last night, felt better after having the magic pill panadol. you get well soon k? :)
Janvier: Ya lo... Nurse me back to health la.
Dadaist: Same here. Huhuhuh. Nothing like a good night sleep to recover from fever. :P
Ah, good thing that you're better :)
Everyone's falling sick. *sniff sniff* Lotsa flu to go around. Must huggy the stuff toys a bit more.
Jason: Yea thank goodness. :)
Ban: Tell me about it... Me no likey flu bugs...
birds of the same feather flock together..!! coz u r too skanky!! hahaha
Flu!? Shoosh shoosh go away! Don't spread the viruses to me. :p lol...
Seriously a lot of people getting sick these days. Better take good care, ya!
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