I can't seem to blog today. I had something in mind to write but I just didn't feel like writing. Can't seem to focus on it and nothing seem to make sense. So I'm not going to try writing it out. Instead I'll just write this.
Ever felt suddenly you just feel angry and dispirited about something? Out of the blue and smack, I feel low.
Doubt creeps in.
I feel like I want to give up. I lost sight as to why I'm putting so much effort to this. Feeling rather shorthanded and I've been given the short end of the stick.
This is the other me. The dark side of the moon as they call it. Its been awhile since this side of me surfaced for quick breath but the emotional effects are not pleasant.
I'll just let it pass and will be better again.
-Live Long & Prosper
PasarPride: Egg Edward
What do you think of Edward's eggs? Would you try a couple for breakfast?
This celebrity was spotted at the iconic Pasar Pudu where the award-winning
2 weeks ago
Kenapa bersedih? tell us all, sweetie.
Moon Phases. Wait. That's the menstrual cycle. :P
Hope my lameness cheered you up. :P
aww... sometimes it happens to me too, it feels like you get so sucked up by doubt and negative feelings you feel sooo down... but hey i guess it's the moon :) and yeah menstrual cycle XD go have a drink, ask a friend to starbucks, listen to some music and you'll feel better very soon :)
Welcome to the funk. Fell in the slump ourselves but don't think as bad.
Savante: *shrugs Beats me really.
William: Uncle visit already?! Oh the cramps. :P
Conan: My solution, sleep. Cheaper solution than Starbucks. Hahahha.
Janvier: I guess so. Just let is pass. :)
Tuesday Blues? Hope you're ok, dear.
Jason: More like Monday evening blue. :P
Uncle Visit??? Need something with 'wing' or without 'wing'??? 35cm???
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