Morning jogs are lovely and I think I'm addicted to jogging in the morning. Nothing like waking up to fresh air and morning sun. Birds displaying spectacular aerodynamic display and chirping lovely songs that filled the otherwise quiet surroundings (not that I can hear it with my ear plugged to the earphone).
I really enjoyed my jog this morning simply because I was the only one on the running track. There's something zen-ish jogging alone in the morning. Just so peaceful and calm.
Its just me and the track.
Mornings are starting to be my favourite time of the day. I still favor my nights filled with rampant sex. Heheheh.
Can't deny me of my rampant sex.
-Live Long & Prosper
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1 week ago
Morning jog?!?! Scary! I'd rather sleep!
Ryan: Aiyo. Sleep at night la. After all the saucy saucy action that is. :P
what action tell me?small boi curious to know
elehh, morning zen nya when night time become tiger lor... worse still, werewolf XD hahaha
i'm not a morning person so darn lazy to wake up early in da morning to jog... got chance also muz sleep until at least 10am XD
Chester: Ya right. You don't know...
Conan: Hahahah. Werewolf in bed ha. Ganas. :P I wish I can sleep until 10 but I automatically wake up at about 7-8...
i hear wearwolf calling..he is hungry already...arooooo!!
So healthy ar? LOL I thought you're supposed to be weak in the legs after the ganas action previous night? :P
Chester: Wah soo kua chang one...
Jason: I don't get ganas action at night here in campus la... :(
is there any cute guys there?
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