Dead Like Me

OMG! 3.33 minutes into the pilot of this show and I'm already loving it. Honestly, I heard this tv series from someone (I really forgotten who. Sorry.) and I just downloaded it without asking what was it was about. I only knew it was good and rated 9.1 for it. Must be good right? Did a little search in Demonoid and tadaa they've got the complete season I and II. Woo hoo.

So far, its a girl and...

Oh oh oh cute BOY! So cute! So Gorgeous! Blue eyed boy! *gasp

Anyhow, the story:
The series begins when 18-year-old George Lass is killed by a toilet seat from the Mir space station hurtling towards earth. She discovers that the afterlife does indeed exist, where she has been assigned a job as a 'Grim Reaper.' It's her job to reap the souls from the living and guide them to their eternal reward. Besides coping with her new job, she must learn to deal with being young and starting out - and of course, being dead.
OMG another cute one. Sorry. Heheh. Watching it as I write this post.

But yea. Killed by a toilet seat from MIR Space Station?! That just sucks no?

Some of the quotes thus far:
Bad people are punished by society's law and good people... are punished by Murphy's law.
Heheheh. I find this hilarious and my favorite. Good people are punished by Murphy's Law. :P
They say your entire life flashes in front of your eyes the moment before you die. That might be true if you're terminally ill or your parachute doesn't open, but if death sneaks up on you the only thing you have time to think is... Awwww shit.
Loving it every moment of this show. I dunno what to compare this show with. Its one of a kind.

Ceh the blue eyed boy was just an extra...

Go watch people go watch.

-Live Long & Prosper


savante said...

Loved that series too but it didn't last long unfortunately. Sigh.

Ganymede said...

How do you mean?!

Explain yourself... Aren't good shows suppose to last?

adrien said...

the characters do not seem to attract me. i think i'll stick to watching super powered freaks and desperate tai tai's for now.

oh but come to think of it, i haven't been watching anything much lately (seeing how the first season of heroes has come to an end), besides that nickelodeon cartoon, avatar!!

i need a job. sigh.

Ganymede said...

Hmmm actually you're right. Need a little character tweaks but overall its a great series I feel.

Dem Heroes is over... *sob sob

Care to be an escort? I'm in need of one. :P