So my day started out oh so fabulously. I was awoken with the sensation of cramps in my abdominal region. It was painful enough to wake me up from my slumber at 8.30 in the morning. I was thinking, am I having a period? Now? Wait... I don't even have va-jay-jay, how am I supposed to get period? (Not a morning person. Brains go haywire. Hence, identity crisis.) But the pain subsided and I went back to sleep. I didn't really know what was going on but continued sleeping. Half an hour later, GTalk started pinging. Woke up again... This time the abdominal pain came in full force. Rushed to the loo~~~ (I shall spare the details...)
Soon, my stomach was demanding for food. Time for lunch but I was really broke. Only Rm1 left in my wallet. Shit~~~ Dressed up and started walking (A long walk too.) to the ATM. Thank goodness for the invention of PDA. At least my walk was shorten with MP3 playing. Walk... Walk... Walk... Sweat... Sweat somemore...
And tadaa, I arrived. Removed card from wallet and as I was about to insert the card, I saw the message on the monitor. "Maaf. Perkhidmatan Tergendala. We're Sorry. Machine is Out of Service." Temper brooding... Blood pressure rising... Heart beating like hummingbird... My vein was about to pop out of my forehead and strangle myself... Fine. Walk back... Called a friend to loan some money.
Bought myself rice with vegetables for lunch. Vegetables should be safe for me for the moment. Darn darn involentary bowel movements... Just when I thought nothing could go wrong now, I was notified that my presentation this evening was cancelled. AGAIN. FOR THE FUCKING 3RD TIME~~~ WTF I say. WTF~~~
I mean how queer is that!!! Queer!!! Queer!!! Aaaaarg.
-Live Long & Prosper
Did you know that for every paid Basic Life Saving course that St. John's
Ambulance Malaysia (SJAM) charges for, they provide free CPR
(cardiopulmonary r...
1 week ago
I really don't know why I have that funny feeling that you are a Pinoy. And then, you wrote in Malay......
Aiyo.... kesian...
It's ok dude..... bad luck doesn't last... it'll be over.
the searcher - Pinoy? Interesting. Never got that before. :P Do I look like a Pinoy? Maybe one of my seven twins is in Pinoy.
Alex- I suer hope so... Its been going on for two weeks now...
I didn't know bout your sucky day. DAMNNNN...
The next time you're in my car and you're running low on cash..let me know you need to stop over the ATM la. No need to pai seh~ Imagine if you didn't have any friends-with-cash to lend you money :)
Hey Leesh.. I did stop him in ATM.. but it was also spoilt.. =(
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