For the past week or so, I have not been seeing Mc Dicky. I have been busy locked up in the room studying (Blogging, chatting, "38" ing as well.) and I am sure he has been busy studying too. To be honest, I have not been thinking about him or anything cause Mc Dave has been keeping my mind occupied with all the sms.
But today, FLS messaged me this morning of great news. She was snooping around in Friendster last night (Weren't you suppose to be studying?) and found Mc Dicky's profile. Muahaha. Finally found you Mc Dicky. So I demanded from FLS to give me his link and she did. Checked-out his profile, his pictures and all the things you can find in Friendster. Huhuhuh. Pictures of him. (*droool) Hehehe. I feeling so high~~~ I guess now I have to share my eye-candy with FLS and QH. Sigh. The first time I saw Mc Dicky, I deliberately left out the part of him being a musican when I was describing him to FLS because I know she has a "thing" for musicans. But with his Friendster profile, she now knows he is a musician. (Greedy, greedy, greedy.) And QH is just being greedy too. Mehehehe.
Knowing how shameless I am these days, I just added him into my friend's list. Thank goodness I have housemates who knows him so I can add him without hassle and I guess it would not look too weird when he sees me trying to add him. Or would it? Yikes. I sound like a serial stalker...
-Live Long & Prosper
PasarPride: Egg Edward
What do you think of Edward's eggs? Would you try a couple for breakfast?
This celebrity was spotted at the iconic Pasar Pudu where the award-winning
2 weeks ago
Aahh no wonder he's always alone..he's one of those rare-deep-brooding-musician kind. Me loike. Wonder whether he composes his own music too~
Now, that's HAWT. :)
p/s refer to me as LS! Not FLS. Pls. :P
I think I know who the musician you're referring to. Is he a pianist? Playing jazz?
Ooooo..... does he look like Takeshi? Wait, is he gay at the 1st place?
someone also very pandai in posting eyecandy now.... keep it up!
and where's Mc Dicky???
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