Holy Blog

There is a website imposing as my blog with a similar blog address that I wasn't even aware of until Alex told me about it. Like those websites that has the address of a very popular site but the address is misspelled intentionally hoping that visitors would type the right typo to get into the other site instead.

This is such case except I think they took the wrong blog address to impersonate. Meet Impersonator Site.

Are you freaking kidding me?!

QueerRant a Bible studies and Information Site?! How does that work? I couldn't believe it at first... Its too weird to be true. Guessed they just take any blogger address and transfer visitors to their site. I find this rather disturbing...

*juk juk juk

"May God Bless Your Soul", was what McDave said when he opened it...

I guess you guys can call me Padre and we'll do confessions. *grin

A Road Trip to Holiness.

-Live Long & Prosper


Small Business Owner said...

It's a deliberate attempt at getting people who are sinners to repent their sins.

Ganymede said...

Heheheh. I bet it is. Repent sinners! Come to my booth. :P

Janvier said...

Think of it as being popular enough to be impersonated :)

Alex said...

Queer Bible Studies!!! LOL!!! I wanna join your Church!

MKF said...

So should the dyke bible be the holy "Lesbian Kamasutra".. ?! Im just wondering... I would join for sure.

Ganymede said...

Janvier: Hahhaha. You can try misspelling yours too. It'll turn out the same. Wished it was the popularity of my blog. :P

Alex: Come my child. Join us and be saved :P

Mialicious: Hehehehe. And together we shall RULE the world! :P